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Music is a Motivator

The music you listen to permeates through your soul and (depending on the lyrics) can help guide your life to bigger and better things... or it can also take you to darkness.

So please, pay attention to the lyrics you are feeding into your mind, body and soul.

When I need to get to the next level in my life, I choose a new "Positive Playlist".  Each Positive Playlist has music that not only is fun to listen to, but also has to have lyrics that lift me higher. 

Recently I found that I like a song by "One Republic" is is called "Everybody Loves Me". 

Such a great song.  Fun to dance to, motivational lyrics... I sang and danced to it daily.  Then, after I learned the entire song, I realized the second set of lyrics were not good at all.

The lyrics went as follows:
"Don't need my health, got my name and got my wealth.  I stare at the sun, just for kicks all by myself."

I was chanting, repeating... WiSHing for "Don't need my health, etc."  several times a day and guess what... I started to have pains in my arms and shoulders.  My stomach started to have problems. 
I thought I should take it off my "Positive Playlist" but the rest of the song was awesome... so I changed the lyrics.  Now when I sing that section it goes...
"I've got my health, got my wisdom, got my wealth  I, WiSH to the Moon just for kicks all by myself."

And my ailments are fading away.

So please, pay attention to the lyrics you are repeating over and over and over again... for those lyrics can be WiSHes and can come to you.

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